Grand Rapids
Vista Charter Academy

About 40 percent of the 700 students in grades pre-K thru 8 at Vista Charter are English Learners. It’s that very population that’s making notable above average growth toward proficiency in math and English Language Arts. Vista Charter Academy’s English learners demonstrated growth above the state average in both ELA and Math for three consecutive years. The school stands out for its teachers’ attention to English learners’ needs in classroom instruction and data-driven instruction. A strong EL staff helps ensure EL students have the support they need. Students learn early to monitor their own progress through frequent assessments and data-monitoring, either weekly or bi-weekly.
Furthermore, the school is a welcoming place for Spanish-speaking parents from the time they walk in the door. Parent engagement and support also build on the school’s progress. The school has several ways to communicate with its parents, many of whom do not speak English. Several teachers and support staff speak Spanish and the school’s online parent portal app has a program that translates from English to Spanish and vice-versa. Also, weekly newsletters as well as any other written communication is written in both Spanish and English.
We are very intentional in being diverse (in texts for both reading and math) … Students should see themselves reflected in what they read. They get more engaged if they see people who look like them.”
Dean of Students, grades three to five
of the student population are from low-income households
are students of color